Category: <span>Pest at Home</span>

Category: Pest at Home

Scratching Noise in Your Roof? Here are the 7 Culprit Pests

Have you ever heard scratching noises coming from your roof at night? This can be disturbing, especially if you’re trying to fall asleep. Your imagination can run wild with thoughts of what could be hovering overhead.

The most likely culprit, however, is pests. Most of these invaders find cover in attics or roofs, so that can possibly explain the scratching noise. So, let us explore the common culprits causing those creepy sounds and what you can do to keep them away.

  • 1. Rats

You will often find this vermin infesting ceilings, lofts, and attics. Most UK homes are often plagued by both brown and black rats. 

Brown rats typically favour lower areas like basements and the ground level. In contrast, roof rats, as their name suggests, prefer high places, such as attics and ceilings.

Since rats are nocturnal animals, if you hear scratching at night, it can signify rat … Read More