What to Consider When Designing a Closet

What to Consider When Designing a Closet

If you are lucky enough to be designing your own closet for a home remodel then you are also unlucky enough to find that it isn’t the dream experience you thought it would be. Of course, you have total control over the design, but that also means that you have to make the decisions yourself!

To help get you started, below are some great consideration to keep in mind when can help you to choose the right style and make the right design decisions.

Do I Look Good in This Dress?

It’s the question that you always ask people, but you’re never really sure if they are being honest. The best way to get around this doubt is to simply look for yourself! Instead of a traditional door mirror, look for ways to include numerous mirrors to give you the ability to see yourself in that gorgeous dress from all angles!

If you can’t install multiple mirrors in your closet space itself, look for alternate ways, such as a mirror on the back of your bedroom door to reflect from the one in the closet. While it may not be ideal, it will be a big help each time that you are getting ready to leave the house.

Can You See Yourself Wearing That?

No, really, can you actually see yourself? The worst thing that you can do with any closet is to install a single light in the middle of the ceiling. All this will do is create unflattering shadows.

Instead, utilize small down-lights which install flush with the ceiling and can be placed strategically on your ceiling to give you the best lighting. Of course, LED strip lighting is another great option which can provide brights lights without generating and heat.

Space for Your Things

The worst thing that you can do is to plan a closet for the items you have. Instead, plan for the items you will have. For example, if you can’t get enough of the Groupon Coupons page for Kohl’s then be sure to plan for extra clothing and shoe space.

Of course, you aren’t going to want all of your clothes on display at once, so be sure to leave enough space to store them temporarily to keep them on-hand, before you put them away for the season.

Keep It Personal

Remember that your closet space is where you will prepare yourself for the world outside, and should be a personal space where you can relax and take a minute to yourself.

With this in mind, be sure to decorate it with your own personal color choices and designs styles. If you have any artwork that you would like to place on the all, a walk-in closet can be the perfect space. Additionally, if you have any children who have brought home their latest piece of art, then your closet can be a great place to place it and give you a smile each time that you open the closet door.